
This page was last updated on 2024-09, if that's more than 6 months ago then things have probably changed a bit!

In a Sentence Link to heading

My name's Stu, I work in tech (high-performance computing), perform comedy and run around a bit.

In a Paragraph Link to heading

I'm a mid-90s baby who spends too much time on the Internet (woah, so unique). I listen to hardcore/post-hardcore/metalcore music (woah, so edgy). I am a nerd about comedy and occasionally perform stand-up (woah, rule of threes).

In a Ramble Link to heading

For work, I'm a product manager creating tools and business solutions for HPC services. As this is my personal website I'd rather keep the "job stuff" to LinkedIn as I want this to be a place for random useful tech articles and hobby posts (although I rarely write blog posts because I just don't sit down and write enough).

I'm a bit of a scatterbrain and find myself phasing in and out of hobbies and interests so here are things that make me "tick" at the moment (or that always make me "tick"):

  • Running for the sake of it (started August 2023 and ran my first half marathon in Feb 2024 in 1:40:05, a time I'm really proud of!)
  • Attending live music shows (and tracking the bands I've seen live)
  • Listening to podcasts
    • Mainly Hey Riddle Riddle and Last Podcast on the Left
  • Watching the Premier League (Cmon you Gunners)

But all that is just what I'm into right now, one day I could be back to:

  • Performing short-form improv comedy
    • Running free-to-attend workshops as well
  • Messing around with coding projects
    • Writing video games
    • Creating silly Discord bots
  • Composing songs
    • Using GarageBand to mix silly audio recordings with loops
  • Co-hosting a podcast
    • What white man doesn't want a podcast?
  • Writing poetry
  • Woodworking
  • Exploring the occult

So, yeah, that pretty much is a braindump ramble on things I do and think about.

Treat people how you want to be treated. Pay it forward. If something excites and scares you, do it!

Oh, I'm also a vegan.