Quick Details Link to heading

Name: Obsidian Portal Publisher: Kaleidoscope Global, LLC Supported Platforms: All (Web App) Site Link: https://obsidianportal.com/

What is Obsidian Portal? Link to heading

Enjoy playing tabletop RPGs? Struggling to organise your mess of notes & books? Looking for an all-in-one campaign manager?

Obsidian Portal is an online campaign manager and wiki system. It has an array of awesome features that can help document, plan & expand your game world from world maps to character details.

Planning Features Link to heading

When it comes to planning your campaign you'll find yourself constantly expanding the world which is hard to keep on top of, with the help of Obsidian portal, you have:

  • Create wiki style pages with intuitive editor and easy linking between pages
  • Upload & view world maps in a Google Maps style map viewer
  • Calendar for scheduling game days
  • Game master restricted page sections (add additional notes to wiki pages that remain hidden from the players)

Player Features Link to heading

Obsidian Portal also provides a lot of player & non-player character tools. A character has their own page on the campaign with a couple of useful features, such as:

  • Name Generator (which can be adjusted to generate names for a particular race)
  • D&D 5e Character Sheet (besides the general description & biography, this allows for all of the )

Players can be given ownership of their player character's page to populate it with all of their info, taking some of the pressure off of the DM whilst keeping the information nicely organised for all to see.

Session Features Link to heading

Besides the calendar for tracking upcoming sessions, there is the adventure log feature which can be used for summaries of previous sessions. Not only does this allow for easy reflection & story checking but it allows for log titles & subheadings which can give the campaign an episodic feel.

Criticisms Link to heading

I don't have any issues with the available features in Obsidian Portal, however there are features that I'd love to see offered with the service. Things like:

  • Creature Generation - Create random Shriekers, Trolls and other creatures for random encounters
  • Damage Tracker - An interface for tracking damage done to creatures (and players) during encounters
  • Item/Shop Generation - Create stores with varying prices for different items

The website donjon.bin.sh has a huge collection of role-playing tools that, when partnered with Obsidian Partner, can complete your GM toolbox.